Transparency Example
Grupo RC Celta makes it´s institutional, organizational, and planification information public, as well as it´s economic, budget, statistical and INFUT transparency index reports, with the objective of advanzing towards our goal of transparency and comunication with society.

Institutional, Organizational and planification information
Therefore, on June 1, 2022, the declaration of regional interest by the Council of the Xunta de Galicia of the «Galician Sports Factory» is considered appropriate. On Wednesday, November 9, the Declaration of Regional Interest for the Galician Sports Factory Project 360 is announced.

Economical, Budget and statistical information
The RC Celta Group has worked on two lines during the season: – Try to increase the turnover over the expected income. – Adjust structure costs to the maximum. However, we cannot compensate for the fall in revenues from the sale of players from previous years.All this means that we work and dedicate a large part of our efforts in the search for strategic added value and that we focus on an approach of excellence corporate (through process management, continuous improvement, …) transparency through our website, emphasis on the technological and digital approach, social and personnel issues, as well as social responsibility and business ethics.

Compliance and good governance.

Football Clubs Transparency Index | INFUT.