Grupo RC Celta’s values
The basic values that guide the Group’s activity are: HONESTY, JUSTICE and INTEGRITY.
Our main principles are
- Strict compliance with the Law and Internal Regulations,
- Maximum respect, fairness and dignity in the treatment of all employees, players, collaborators, subscribers, suppliers, competitors and other third parties linked to the Group
- Commitment to health and safety,
- Transparency, objectivity and professionalism in all of its activities and relations with stakeholders,
- Privacy, data protection and confidential information, and
- Encouraging sports activity with the highest standards of professionalism.
1. Rules
Our rules of conduct
Criminal Risk Prevention Manual
The Group’s crime prevention and management principles and the structure and functions of the Compliance Committee. In order to participate in the Liga Nacional de Futbol Profesional (LALIGA), an annual Compliance audit report is required. For more information consult our Compliance Policy
Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics
Our values and principles which form the basic rules of conduct which all employees and collaborators comply to. These conducts are carried out considering members, partners, sponsors, competitors, suppliers and third parties associated with the Group. See document.
Anti-corruption Policy
The necessary actions to prevent, detect and punish any fraudulent activities and the uso of the Group for financial benefit or others, by employees, players, directors or members of the board. See more
Attentions and Gifts Policy
The necessary actions to prevent, detect and punish any fraudulent activities and the uso of the Group for financial benefit or others, by employees, players, directors or members of the board. See more
Conflict of Interest Prevention Policy
It determines how to avoid actions carried out by employees, players, collaborators, coachings staff or members of the board that may interfere in the activity either by investment, interest , association or other ways or modalities. See more
Privacy and Confidentiality Policy
Requirements are established for each of the members of the Group. The importance of information protection and avoiding unauthorised disclosure to third parties, which could jeopardize compliance. See more
Security Policy regarding Data Protection
The obligations and procedures to be followed by the Group’s employees who handle personal data, and the importance of making them aware of its importance.
Protocol for the prevention and eradication of harassment.
It details the guidelines, procedure, tools and mechanisms to manage the different types of investigations in case of complaints of harassment ( workplace harassment or mobbing, sexual harassment, sexual harassment and cyberharassment), as well as the sanctioning regime. See more
A Harassment Complaints Box is established, managed by the Harassment Prevention Committee through which all members of the Group can report complaints related to harassment. The mailbox is

Furthermore, the Manual for the Prevention of Criminal Risks, the Code of Ethics and the procedures and policies of the RC Celta Group have a series of guidelines for action and control in order to limit potential risks of committing crimes, both internally and for third-party collaborators.
Other RC Celta Group pages

About us
The RC Celta Group is characterized by the specialization in the business it develops, building trust relationships based on experience and excellence…
About RC Celta Group
In the RC Celta Group we are fully convinced of the importance of complying with current regulations on quality, environment…
See certifications

In the RC Celta Group we work towards business excellence and in the last years we have accumulated important recognitions that show our good management.
Our acknowledgments