Institutional, organizational and planning information
We publish our institutional, organizational and planning policy, as well as economic, budgetary and statistical indicators and transparency index INFUT, with the aim of advancing our idea of transparency and communication with society in general, being proactive in providing information on our raison d’être, ethical and behavioural principles, the objectives we aim to achieve, …
We comply with the Football Club Transparency Index (INFUT) which consists of a set of indicators evaluated through “Transparency International Spain”. It evaluates information about the Club, relations with members, fans and the general public, economic and financial transparency and in the contracting and supplies and indicators of the Transparency Act.
The regulation applicable to the Real Club Celta de Vigo, S.A.D., is:
- Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010 approving the Revised Text of the Law on Corporations, as well as subsequent laws introducing amendments to it.
- Royal Decree 1251/1999 of 16 July on Sports Corporations.
- Real Legislative Decree 1514/07 of November 16 by which the General Accounting Plan is approved, the modifications included in the RD 1159/2010 of September 17 and RD 602/2016 of December 2.
- Order June 27, 2000 approving the rules for adaptation of the General Accounting Plan to sports corporations, in everything that does not contravene the Royal Legislative Decree 1514/07 of November 16.
- Law 10/1990, of October 15, of the state sport.
- Law 3/2012, of April 2, of the Sport of Galicia.
- Royal Decree 177/1981, of January 16, on sports clubs and federations.
- Trade Code.
- Other regulations applicable to a professional Club/SAD (in particular, the Regulations for the Economic Control of Clubs and Sports Corporations affiliated to the LNFP and the agreements of the Joint Commission of the Superior Sports Council and the National Professional Football League in which the new model of Annual Accounts of Clubs and Sports Corporations affiliated to the National Professional Football League is approved)
- Personal Data Protection Regulations (LOPD): Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data
- Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
- Law 19/2007, of July 11, against violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in Sports.
- Law 19/2014, of December 29, on transparency, access to public information and good governance
- Law 10/2010 on money laundering and financing of terrorism
- Organic law 1/2015, of March 30, of the Penal Code.
- Internal Regulations of the Real Club Celta de Vigo S.A.D. Articles of Association and Internal Regulations of the Real Club Celta de Vigo, S.A.D. Art. 6 of the Royal Decree 203/2010, of February 26th, which approves the Regulations for the prevention of violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sports).
- International regulations. ISO 9001, UNE 19601, ISO 14001
2. Organizational structure
Inside the Group
For the RCCelta Group the people who make up the group are its main asset, maintaining a firm commitment to quality employment based on conditions of equal opportunity, regardless of sex, age or other circumstances. From the RCCelta Group we are committed to and actively work for the alignment of its strategy and objectives, with the development and professionalization of the people that make up its human team, through motivation and continuous training.

Organization chart
3. Plans and programs
Focus of action
Economic and financial solvency.
Strategic investment plan:
- Investment in players,
- Ciudad Deportiva Afouteza. Facilities consisting of two double training camps, multipurpose building (changing room, gym) and parking, integrated with the landscape in which the indigenous landscape is tried to recover.
- Continuity of the digitization project and Big Data. Focused on forming an open innovation ecosystem within its different areas and supported by collaboration with third parties.
Globalisation and internationalisation of the RC Celta Brand.
– We comply with the Transparency Index of Football Clubs (INFUT) 100%, in its latest edition (year 2019)
– Certificate of Excellence in Business Management, following the assessment of the main management parameters: solvency, profitability, growth, employment, internationalisation, corporate social responsibility, customer satisfaction, innovation, commercial risk management and digitisation.
– Ardan Indicator Well Managed Company 2022.
– Ardan Indicator Circular Company 2022, for the continuity of the circular economic strategy.
The strategic plan of the company
As a consequence of the context of uncertainty in the economy, it is considered of great importance for the future:
- To consolidate the international presence as an element generating income, through an Internationalization Plan that starts with a pre-season tour of the first team in the United States and Mexico, which seeks to grow in revenue and gain presence in different markets.
- Generate digital content in new market niches that allows the loyalty of fans, growth of followers and extend the Celta brand to achieve monetization presence in new markets.
- Search for new sponsorship opportunities that increase the value of the brand and allow growth in revenue.

On March 15, 2022, an application was submitted to initiate the procedure of declaration of Regional Interest of the project ” Galician Sport Factory-Galicia Sports 360″ having as promoter Real Club Celta de Vigo, S.L.U., taking into account that sport has outstanding functionalities, in particular in the fields of education, training and culture, in improving public health, in promoting social cohesion, in development and in respect of the environment.
The project is constituted as a complex of facilities of about 300,000m2 from which different facets of the sports system will be addressed and promoted, with three groups of infrastructures: Sports City Afouteza, Integral Center for the Training of the Sports Industry and, finally, the Area of Services- Arena Space.
The Afouteza Sports City consists of an integrated set of buildings and facilities at the service of sport in order to meet the operational needs of the entity and provide it with the necessary infrastructure both for the requirements of high readiness performance and monitoring of athletes in the professional football categories of the club as for promotion, promotion and training of new generations of sports (Cantera).
Given the importance of the training processes of athletes and the need for adequate facilities, as well as the growth of the entity face, among other things, to women’s football to which the current facilities of A Madroa would be reserved since the Group in its promotion of equality between men and women and as a push of women’s sport, created a female football section of RCCelta.
n the field of training, the aim is to support sports agents in the field of technology, as well as to identify and retain the sports talent that is disseminated in the different clubs of the Autonomous Community.
Given the sports dimension of RCCelta, the work of sports promotion, especially in the field of grassroots sport transcends the metropolitan area of Vigo and the Autonomous Community itself.
The project also has an important presence of the educational, innovation and development aspects of the sports system, mainly focused on the Integral Center for the Training of the Sports Industry. Thus, it is intended to establish a dynamic and modernizing center of the business fabric that is a benchmark not only in the Autonomous Community or the northwestern peninsula, but at the national and international levels, and a strategic investment for its future.In addition to presence in employment, with the recruitment of a large number of new staff for management, the revitalization of activities and the maintenance of new facilities, being the Technological Center for Innovation in Sport, one of the areas that will benefit most from this new employment opportunity because it is totally new and by its very nature.
The proposed action goes beyond the municipal level and the project supports the idea of sport as an activity of public interest that helps growth and social cohesion, gender equality, to improve the welfare of citizens and the development of the whole of the Autonomous Community, strengthening the transversal character of the Galician sports system.Therefore, on June 1, 2022 the declaration of regional interest by the Council of the Xunta de Galicia is considered appropriate and in November 2022 the Declaration of Regional Interest for the Galician Sports Factory Project is announced.

The Club has undertaken a stage of continuous digital transformation, based on the permanent analysis of the activity, both internal in the business processes and external in the relationship with the customer, both B2B and B2C. Within the innovation in internal processes, the club continuously analyzes the tasks carried out by staff, trying to digitize, incorporating new tools, which do not provide value and freeing people’s time for those relevant.
Regarding B2C innovation, the club is equipping itself with tools that allow a better analysis and learning of the relationship that the client has with the Club and to create “patterns” to help improve service or be proactive in meeting future needs of customers. Analytical tools, Artificial Intelligence systems and 360 data collection are the basis of customer knowledge and behavior, something that is directly impacting society via adequacy of product and service offerings. This digitalization maintains a direct impact in optimizing sustainability models, via mobility, environment and, consequently, reduction of carbon footprint.
Much more than a football team
The company has implemented different methodologies and processes that allow it to develop the activity in an ethical, transparent and sustainable way, promoting the values of excellence, transparency, sustainability and closeness as strengths of its business:
- Business and sports excellence, through the implementation of different quality systems under the standard UNE EN ISO 9001:2015 certified by the accreditation body AENOR, in our customer orientation, process management, continuous improvement (in the security and facilities department and in the corporate area).
- Transparency, through corporate social responsibility and ethics in the business world, so the Non-Financial Information Statement of the RCCelta Group is voluntarily formulated each season, INFUT rating of 100% in the ranking of the Transparency Index of football clubs developed by Transparency International Spain and implementation of the Criminal Compliance management system under the UNE 19601:2017 standard.
- Sustainability, by optimising the management of resources and waste, which differentiates society from competition and positively strengthens the image of society in general. The company integrates the environment into the overall management of the same, for this it implements the environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001:2015. This optimization in the management of resources and waste is also reinforced with the achievement of the Ardan Company Circular Indicator 2020, 2021 and 2022, by the implementation of a circular economy strategy. In addition, the Sports City Afouteza was a finalist of the XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism (BEAU) from 2018 to 2020. And nominated for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture- Mies van der Rohe Prize 2022 for works completed between October 2018 and April 2021.
- Proximity, through the implementation of good practices in the management of risks derived from COVID-19 under the Protocol standard against COVID-19, generating trust among all groups (customers, workers and the general public).
All this means that we are awarded the Certificate of Excellence in Business Management Informs-the Economist year 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 and that we are awarded the Ardan Indicator Well Managed Company 2022.
4. Contact info
Our contact channels
Through phone 986 110 900 or the following addresses or or at Príncipe Street, 44 Postal Code: 36202 Vigo you can get in contact with Real Club Celta de Vigo, S.A.D.; Celta de Vigo Foundation and Afouteza e Corazón, S.L.U.
5. Estado de información No Financiera
Highest transparency
The RC Celta Group tries to show in a transparent way that information that not only affects the business model, but also explains the creation of social value of the Group. Our intention is to inform about:
Environmental matters
Social and personal issues
Respect for human rights
Battle against corruption and bribery
For this reason the Board of Directors of Real Club Celta de Vigo, S.A.D., voluntarily formulates the Non-Financial Information State of RC Celta Group.

Non-Financial Information 2021/2022

Non-Financial Information 2020/2021

Non-Financial Information 2019/2020

Non-Financial Information 2018/2019
6. Sports memory
Analysis of the 2021/2022 season
The most relevant sports «milestones» of the 2021/2022 season are:
- Fourth Zarra Trophy by Iago Aspas.
- Four players achieved their personal minutes record: Kevin Vázquez, Fran Beltrán, Joseph Aidoo and Brais Méndez.
- Streak of 5 games without losing. Debut of the Youth Hugo Álvarez, with Damián and Cesar called for the first time.
- Eleven canteranos with minutes.
- 400 games of Hugo Mallo.
- Celta B, sixth after another great season.

Sports memory 2021/2022
Other RC Celta Group pages

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