Economic, Budget and statistical information.
RC Celta Group makes it´s institutional, organizational, and planification information public, as well as it´s economic, budget, statistical and INFUT transparency index reports, with the objective of advanzing towards our goal of transparency and comunication with society.

1. Annual Accounts and Audit report as of June 30th, 2022.
Main Magnitudes
During the 2021/2022 season and if we limit ourselves to the part of the income, although it recovers a part of the activity and it generates revenues by box office and subscribers derived from the return of public to the stadiums, the effects of COVID on our business are still very significant, with a significant contraction of the market involving, among other things, a fall in player sales, an impact on revenues from audiovisual rights and also the need to be aware of the risk of credit and insolvency affecting the amount of commercial revenues. The RC Celta Group has worked on two lines during the season:
The RC Celta Group has worked on two lines during the season:
- – Try to increase the turnover over the expected income.
- – Adjust structure costs to the maximum.
However, we cannot compensate for the fall in revenue from the sale of players from previous years.
During the 2021/2022 season the company managed to generate a positive result again and all this even though the budget formulated and approved by the General Shareholders’ Meeting predicted a negative result of more than 10 million euros. We are therefore satisfied with the economic management carried out throughout the season.
Thousand euros
Million euros
Million euros in the last 5 years
Millon euros in total income

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2. Budget Settlement 2021/2022 season
The budget formulated by the Board of Directors of the company aims to ensure the economic progress of the projects that the company has in progress in the season.
Although due to the impact of the pandemic and the fact that the sustainability policy has been maintained both at the organizational level and in terms of social and environmental commitment, the net result of the season has been negative.

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3. Intermediate Finantial Statements as of December 31rst, 2021.
Review Report
The data shown are until December 31rst, 2021.
Thousand €
Thousand €
Thousand €
Thousand €

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4. 2022/2023 Season Budget
Next season´s numbers
Million euros
Million euros
Million euros
Million euros
Million euros

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5. Other indicators 2021/2022 season
Countable Information
Date of deposit in the Comercial Registry of the last Anual Accounts
The annual accounts for the 2020/2021 season were deposited In the Commercial Register of Pontevedra on January 13, 2022
The annual accounts for the 2019/2020 season were deposited In the Commercial Register of Pontevedra on January 15, 2021.
The Annual accounts of the 2018/2019 season, were deposited In the Commercial Register of Pontevedra on December 26, 2019.
Date in wich de Anual Accounts were handed over to the Superior Council of Sport
The Annual Accounts of the 2020/2021 season, were handed over to the Superior Cuncil of Sport on December 22, 2021.
The Annual Accounts of the 2019/2020 season, were handed over to the Superior Cuncil of Sport on December 21, 2020.
The Annual Accounts of the 2018/2019 season, were handed over to the Superior Cuncil of Sport on November 22, 2019.
Date in wich the Anual Accounts and other mandatory economic - financial information, were sent to the Professional Foptball League´s Office
- Agreed Procedure report on the Debt with Clubs as of June 30, 2022.
- Agreed Procedure report on the Debt with Employees as of June 30, 2022.
- Agreed Procedure report on the Debt with Public Administrations as of June 30, 2022.
- Agreed Procedure report on the Financial Operations as of 30 June 2022,
- Agreed Procedure report for Quantifying the effect of COVID-19.
- Agreed Procedure report on the breakeven point indicators as of June 30, 2022.
- Agreed Procedure report on the expenses associated with the first team as of June 30, 2022.
- Agreed Procedure report on the Net debt ratio in relation to relevant incomes as of June 30, 2022.
- Agreed Procedure report on the MN23 normailized model (Anex VI) as of June 30, 2022,
- Agreed Procedure report on the MN23 normailized model (Anex VI) of 2022/2023 season after the close of the summer market ( November 10, 2022).
- Agreed Procedure report on the season ticket and ticketing earnings for the 2021/2022 season.
- MN102 normailized model publicity income for the 2022/2023 season, visa by auditors.
Breakeven Point
See the Agreed Procedure report on breakeven point indicators.
Economic & Financial
Financial Autonomy Indicator
Total Compesation Indicator
Club´s Debt/ Relevant Income (Art 12 LNFP)
Total invested in players
Total amount paid for the services of agents and intermediation of players
Total amount paid for the services of agents and intermediation of players at 31 December 2022; 3,134 thousand euros
Income & Expenses Information
Relevant Income Breakdown (Annex I.7 RLFP).
Relevant Expenses Detail (Annex I.8 RLFP).
Expenses Associated with the First Team Detail (annex. 12 RLFP)
See the Agreed Procedure Report on the expenses associated with the First Team.
Debt Data
RC Celta Debt (CECSD-IV):
Agreed Procedure Report on the Net Debt ratio in relation to relevant income. as of 12/31/2021. The detail of Club debt/ relevant income (art 12 LNFP) is provided, along with more Annual Accounts detail.
Debt with with Public Administrations (Art 18 RLFP).
Debt & Credits with Sport Personnel (Art. 17 RLFP).

6. Contracts and Agreements with Public Administration
List of agreements and contracts
- Broadcast rights which include audio-visual rights negotiated by the TV operators and LaLiga worth 53,160,577.00 euros and the adjustment of the broadcast rights from past seasons for the amount of 104,633.00 euros, the Copa del Rey broadcast rights worth 372,851.00 euros and Primera RFEF in relation to the reserve team, with the RFEF for the amount of 234,088.92.
- The income from advertising and commercialisation derived from agreements or contracts signed with the public administration is:
- A sponsorship agreement with Fundación Deporte Galego, dated 10 July 2021 with the primary objective of sponsoring Galician teams in major competitions, specifically Celta B. The amount of the agreement is 27,798.38 euros.
- On 17 December 2021, the company signed an agreement with Fundación Deporte Galego for the 2021/2022 season, with the primary objective of sponsoring the national and international promotion of Galicia and the Xacobeo 2021/2022 holy year through sport. The amount of the agreement was 37,493.99 euros.
Agreements with public entities or under public control:
Administrative concession of the Municipal Facilities corresponding to the Stadium of Abanca Balaídos, Barreiro and the Sports City of A Madroa, signed on 30 January 2009 by which the previous installations are transferred until 16 May 2034.

7. Subventions & Public economic reliefs
In the 2021/2022 season, the company obtaining operating subsidies worth 726,054.85 euros, with the following breakdown:
- 352,963.06 euros in a subsidy from the Spanish Football Federation under the academy with values programme,
- 282,000.03 euros in subsidies from the Professional Football League as aid for corrective/evolutive maintenance, as well as preventative maintenance of sports facilities,
- 23,318.18 euros in a subsidy from INEGA (a body belonging to the Xunta de Galicia) for thermal renewable energy (specifically a heat pump in the Ciudad Deportiva Afouteza),
- 46,199.83 euros in a subsidy from the Xunta de Galicia as aid for recovery from the effects of COVID-19, and
- 16,573.75 euros correspond to the subsidy from the Xunta de Galicia for the development of sports activities.

8. Sponsors & Suppliers
Most Relevant Suppliers/Creditors
As for creditors, without considering the acquisition of players (sports entities and brokerage agencies), the list of the six most relevant suppliers/creditors of the company are:
- Adidas España, S.A.
- LaLiga
- Viajes El Corte Ingles
- Constructora San José, S.A.
- Royalverd Service, S.L.U.

See sponsors & Collaborators

9. Cuality Policy
The importance of cuality
Grupo RC Celta is aware of the importance of cuality when satisfying the needs of it´s users and others, it looks to aprove a cuality policy that overseas the Venue Management Services and the safety in all activities, as well as the correct maitenance & conservation of theese venues; within an efective and eficiant Cuality Management System.
General Guidelines
- Achieve societies recognition in the national football sector when it comes to maitenance and conservation of facilities, as well as phisical safety manegement.
- Be a national nevel standard when it comes to maitenance and conservation of facilities, as well as phisical safety manegement.
- Achieve total satisfaction from our clients, providing them with services and products in line with their needs, requirements, expectatives, and other established specifics.
- Achieve total satisfaction of employees, buiding the ideal work conditions for their developement.
- Implementation of daily emprovement as a code of conduct.
- Give enough resources necesary for their logo.
- Excede our clients expectations in costumer service.

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10. Financial benefits thanks to collaborating with the foundation
Helps, donations & deductible contributions.
Personal Income Tax Payers: lncome tax payers will have the right to deduct from the total amount to pay, the result of applying a series of donations and contributions with a deduction right endrán (base deduction). See the documentation for more information.