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Eduardo Coudet and the new coaching staff lead their first session in A Madroa - RC Celta
First team

Eduardo Coudet and the new coaching staff lead their first session in A Madroa

RC Celta

Eduardo Coudet led his first training session as the new coach of the RC Celta this Saturday. The Argentinean trainer designed a session in A Madroa in which the ball was the protagonist and in which the players began to know the new methods of the coach.

In addition to Coudet, the future second coach, Ariel Broggi, the physical trainers Octávio Manera and Guido Cretari and the analyst Carlos Fernandez were present. They were accompanied by Álex Andújar, Nando Villa, Borja Oubiña and Carlos Hugo.

RC Celta


First team

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